Healing Service
The Healing Service is especially for you. We meet every Wednesday night as a testimony to the fact that ‘nothing is impossible for God’. In a world where it’s easy to feel helpless and that things are out of control, the Bible reminds us that despite appearances, God is in control. And we know that God loves and cares for you personally. He calls us to pray to him for physical and spiritual healing. This is why we have good news for you.
The Bible does not allow us to accept the excuse that God cannot work in your situation – whatever it is. God promises to forgive your sins when you turn to him; hear our prayers for healing; and answer them in the best and wisest way.
It's important to us that you feel comfortable and safe when at the Healing Service. You need not fear that you will be asked to do anything.
This Service is for all who are hurting, anxious, stressed, worried – about themselves, their friends or their family – grieving, addicted, lonely, sick, troubled or just curious about what God can do. gh to die for you.
At the Healing Service you can have someone pray with you who knows Jesus as their personal Lord and Saviour and who can place your deepest problems into God’s powerful hands.